Free Kamen Rider Wiki
(Intro scene)
Chapter 1: The FIRST Fashion
(Episode begins with Zion "Pikachu18", walking in the Canterlot Mall, as he's heading to Pinkie's Sweet Stoppe, "One Way or Another" by Blondie plays)
Male Patron: Hey, it's Zion from Proto Zi-O Trinity!
[patrons clamoring, camera shutters clicking]
Zion "Pikachu18": Hey. How are you doin'?
(Then a green spiky-haired guy appeared walking with Heath Burns and Thunderbass revealed to be Shark)
Shark: Are you sure that's him?
Thunderbass: Yeah. He's a friend of ours.
(Shark walks towards to Zion, as he's pushing his way through the crowd)
Male Patron #1: Ow!
Male Patron #2: Hey!
Female Patron: Watch it!
Shark: Alright you, come with me!
Zion "Pikachu18": What? (Gets dragged by Shark) [stammers] No, no, no, no. I-I didn't do anything! I was hanging out with the fans! Heath, Thunderbass, guys! Tell him! [screams]
(Viper Kai Dojo)
Zion "Pikachu18": Drag, Blue Woz, what's going on?
Shark: Sorry about the blindfold. My guys took you three in here at my uncle's dojo.
Viper Kai Master: That's enough, Shark.
Shark: Sorry, Uncle.
Viper Kai Master: You guys Proto Zi-O Trinity from Coloratura's Christmas TV special?
Proto Zi-O Trinity: Yes. That's us.
Viper Kai Master: Good. Now then, you know I'm gonna do? (Takes out his phone, grins gleefully) Can I get a picture with you guys? This goes out to my daughter. (Cut to Proto Zi-O Trinity looking shocked)
Shark: (Cut back to the four, as Proto Zi-O Trinity turned to Shark) He's right. We saw you guys on Colortura's Christmas TV special from awhile back.
Zion "Pikachu18": (He, Drag and Blue Woz slide down from their chairs to the floor) Thank you for your patronage.
Viper Kai Master: All right. (Proto Zi-O Trinity gets up) There we go. Now everybody, smile.
[camera shutter clicking]
("Dancing With Myself" by Billy Idol plays. Cuts to outside of Viper Kai Master's Dojo)
Zion "Pikachu18": Alright, man. Thanks a bunch!
Viper Kai Master: You're welcome!
Heath Burns: Yo, Z! Tell Sonata I said hi!
Zion "Pikachu18": Will do.
(Proto Zi-O Trinity leaves, then a female figure appeared behind the boys and revealed to be Ai Kizuna)
Ai Kizuna: Zion! Excuse me, Zion! Ai Kizuna, and I'm here to interview you guys. Can I ask you a couple of questions?
Zion "Pikachu18": She's cute. She's alright? (Drag nods) Hi.
Ai Kizuna: Hi.
Zion "Pikachu18": Yeah. Okay–
Ai Kizuna: It's okay?
Zion "Pikachu18": Go.
Ai Kizuna: You've been called the lead singer of Proto Zi-O Trinity. How does that feel?
Zion "Pikachu18": Well, I say it's a total mind-blowing experience for me, Drag and Blue Woz to form this boy band named after the Proto Zi-O Trinity Ridewatch that my friend, Sonata Dusk gave it to me during the gift exchange. Say, Ai, are you the Japanese virtual YoutTuber?
Ai Kizuna: Why yes I am. I'm a Japanese virtual YouTuber. Well, you and I met backstage at Coloratura's Christmas TV special. I was there, and I knew you guys did an amazing performance to kickoff the 25th anniversary of the Pokémon series with Trixie and the Illusions.
Zion "Pikachu18": Yeah. (Blushes) Y-You're so nice.
Ai Kizuna: Thanks. I've got something for you.
(Ai Kizuna gives Zion "Pikachu18" Virtual YouTuber Ridewatches)
Zion "Pikachu18": Are those Virtual YouTuber Ridewatches?
Ai Kizuna: Yes.
Zion "Pikachu18": Where did you get it?
Ai Kizuna: Me and my friends have the Virtual YouTuber Ridewatches with us.
Zion "Pikachu18": Really?
Ai Kizuna: Yes.
(At Golden Rock's mansion)
Pinkie Pie: (Sees the Yard Squirrels Christmas album in the platinum case) Hey, isn't that Yard Squirrels Christmas?
Ice Score: Yep. He once wrote that song.
Fluttershy: [screams, whimpers]
(A frightened Fluttershy hides behind Zion, as Golden Rock approached them in a threatening manner)
Golden Rock: [angrily] Don't mention that song!
Pinkie Pie: That was you? Oh man, that song cracked me and my friends up. I always wanted to make silly Christmas songs.
Golden Rock: [to Pinkie Pie] Well, you can forget it! Because I'm done with silly Christmas songs!
Rigby: Hey! Back off, man! (Shows him Gray's Crackle Rod) Don't make me use this crackle rod from Gray! And now, I'm using it!
(Rigby used the crackle rod to electrocute him)
Golden Rock: [screams while being electrocuted, faints]
(Fun Time Rush, Shelly, Rainbooms, Proto Zi-O Trinity and Mordecai sees a fainted Golden Rock)
Rigby: I just electrocuted him. But he'll be fine.
Golden Rock: [groaning]
Rigby: See?
Pinkie Pie: You don't think that the Yard Squirrels Christmas is similar to the Chipmunks Christmas?
Everyone sans Zion "Pikachu18": Yes.
Zion "Pikachu18": Did you guys try to calm him down before regarding our debut album party?
Silver Note: I tried. He told us to hit the showers and he hit us with very hot water. Man, that didn't go so very well.
Drag "MrDragonboy96": I know how that feels.
Ice Score: Hmm. [to Zion "Pikachu18"] Now, about that party for your debut album...
Ponimali of the Another: Where am I?
Absolute Tartarus: I brought you here for a reason.
Ponimali of the Another: Hmmm...
(Flashback started)
(Ponimali of the Another was asleep. Absolute Tartarus auditioned Ponimali of the Another who slept)
(Flashback ended)
Ponimali of the Another: Interesting.
Absolute Tartarus: You'll be dealing with the Ultras' allies, the Unified Heroes and Hero Squad.
Ponimali of the Another: Very well. And I think you should require more allies?
Absolute Tartarus: Yes. (Summoned Dodo Magia, Goldar Maximus, Snide, Ultron Sigma and Princess Dark Matter)
Dodo Magia: Assassinate.
Ponimali of the Another: This is going to be fun.
(Back to Golden Rock's mansion, where we see everybody mingling at Proto Zi-O Trinity's debut album party, "Let It Go (Remix)" by Demi Lovato plays)
Golden Rock: I might say this, Zion. But that's a good idea to have you guys host a party for your debut album.
Zion "Pikachu18": Thanks. We'd really outdone ourselves. Oh! Evan's here. I'll talk to you later, man.
Golden Rock: Okay.
EvanUn0: Wow! Cherry, Sweet Leaf and Rose Heart didn't tell me that you guys formed a boy band.
Zion "Pikachu18": Yeah, we did! Man, we did pretty well on Coloratura's Christmas TV special.
Drag "MrDragonboy96": Yep. We are, Zion.
Cherry Crash: [chuckles, to EvanUn0] You're really cute when you saw Zion, Drag and Blue Woz on Coloratura's Christmas TV special, and me playing my guitar. [purrs]
EvanUn0: (blushes) Cherry! Not in front of Zion!
Cherry Crash: Shh. Let him look. (Started kissing him)
Zion "Pikachu18" and Drag "MrDragonboy96": (Seeing Cherry Crash kissing EvanUn0) [snickering]
EvanUn0: (After Cherry Crash kissed him all over his face, and blushes) [dizzily] Wow! That felt right...
Drag "MrDragonboy96": Gold Rocky said it himself. He wrote the best pop songs in the world, and he won't be remembered for that Christmas squirrel song.
EvanUn0: Ah.
Devon Daniels: A'ight.
James Rhodes: Well, you know, the suit can take the weight, right? So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General's palace, drop it at his feet, I'm like, "Boom! You looking for this?" (Sonic and Arkayna just look at him blankly) "Boom! Are you looking..." Why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.
Sonic the Hedgehog: What...?
Arkayna Goodfey: Seriously, Rhodey? That's the whole story?
James Rhodes: Yeah, it's a War Machine story.
(Both Sonic and Arkayna exchange glances)
Zak: Yeah, he told the same story to Stark and Thor.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Mm-hmm. He really did. That's a good story.
Nate Silva: Steel and I find it pretty good.
Arkayna Goodfey: Yeah.
(We cut to Ezra and Senku)
Ezra Bridger: Hey. I was hoping you showed up.
Senku Ishigami: Yeah, you did. So, no Karai?
Ezra Bridger: She's still in the Foot Clan.
Kazuda Xiono: Well, Shini and I forgot to tell you guys that Tazma and Kymraw are in the Foot Clan.
Senku Ishigami: Really? Since when?
Kazuda Xiono: Three years ago after we defeated the Unified Nether Army.
Senku Ishigami: I'll keep that in mind.
Ezra Bridger: You can talk to Sunset about finding a place in Canterlot City.
Senku Ishigami: I'd appreciate it, Ezra. Thanks.
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: (Referring to Fluttershy's hammer, Mjölnir) But, it's a trick!
Ice Score: What?
Fluttershy: No, it's much more than that.
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Oh, come on! I saw you lifted up Thor's old hammer when we fought Gohan Black. Whatever, Fluttershy! It's a trick!
Bloom: So, you're saying is that we're gonna lift Thor's old hammer and find out that who is worthy to use it?
Jayden Shiba: Uh-huh.
Wasabi: And that's we're gonna find out. Planet, care to go first?
Captain Planet: Alright.
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Be my guest, my man. Be my guest.
Captain Planet: (Trying to lift up Mjölnir) [grunts with effort] This is harder than I thought.
Flash Sentry: Yeah. Let me try. (Trying to lift up Mjölnir) Cap, you wanna do it?
Steve Rogers: Okay. (Lifts up Mjölnir and succeeded)
Mordecai, Rigby and Sonata Dusk: OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH!
Miles Morales: I didn't knew Cap lifted up Thor's old hammer.
Gwen Stacey: Me neither.
Zion "Pikachu18": My turn. (Lifts up Mjölnir) See? It likes me.
Fluttershy: Yeah, you really lifted my hammer when we're fighting the New Blood Tribe.
Zion "Pikachu18": Yeah I did, Flutters. I suppose my Staff of Sacanas really likes you.
Fluttershy: (Blushes) Thanks.
Casey Jones: Okay, Casey Jones is next. (Trying to lift up Mjölnir) [grunting]
Anna: I'm gonna tell him.
Tyler Navarro and Troy Burrows: Nah!
Copper Plume: Just watch, Anna. Just watch. (Everyone sees Casey Jones attempted to lift Thor's old hammer)
Diamond Glow: Nice try, Jones.
Casey Jones: [unfazed] Right...
Icy: Alright, I'm taking the shot. (Tries lifting up Thor's old hammer, Mjölnir) [grunting]
Bloom: Still can't believe that Icy's a princess, and she has a little sister.
Rigby: Oh, that's why the leader of the Trix turned good.
Blaze: Yeah, just like Astronema turned good, and she was known as Andros' sister, Karone.
Rigby: Isn't that before she became a Power Ranger, twice?
Blaze: Yeah.
Icy: Ooh! Okay. This is harder than I imagine. Mal? Uma?
Mal: Sure. Shall we?
Uma: Yeah. I can't believe that we had to take orders from a former leader of the Trix, who was actually a princess.
Mal: Less talky, Uma. More trying to lift up Thor's old hammer.
Uma: I'm just saying, Mal. I'm just saying.
Mal: Ready?
Uma: Yeah.
Mal: Okay. On, 1...!
Uma: ...2!
Mal and Uma: 3! (They tried to lift up Mjölnir)
Uma: How does Thor even lift that?
Thor: That's a very, very interesting theory, Uma. (Gets up) Well, unlike me, Vision, Cap, Fluttershy and Zion. I have a simpler one. (Lifts up Mjölnir and flips it) You're all not worthy.
Mordecai: Aw, what?
Rigby: [groans]
Everyone else: [all disagreeing]
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Come on!
(Then a mysterious figure appeared out of portal with Absolute Tartarus)
???: You expecting someone else?
Zion "Pikachu18": No. Uh, Shelly? Did you have her on the list?
Shelly Shores: Not at the moment, no.
Zion "Pikachu18": (Sees Absolute Tartarus) Why are you with the Absolutian?
(Then the figure revealed herself as Ponimali of the Another)
Ponimali of the Another: He brought me here for a reason.
Absolute Tartarus: Guess we're the uninvited guests to the party. Now, allow me to give you a gift from me. [snaps fingers]
(Dodo Magia, Goldar Maximus and Snide arrived)
Goldar Maximus: Surprise!
Snide: [laughs evilly]
Dodo Magia: Assassinate.
[guests screaming]
(Ultron Sigma, Princess Dark Matter and Kiya, the former Blue Omega Ranger arrived with Absolute Nightmare and Absolute Daybreaker)
Kiya: Where you all going? The fun's getting started!
Golden Rock: [screams] My mansion!
Shelly: Less talky about your mansion, more runny for your life!
(Fun Time Rush, Golden Rock and Shelly ran)
Mordecai: Kiya, why? Why did you betray the other Omega Rangers?
Kiya Kyatyl: Shut up! It's your righteousness that drives me crazy!
(Kiya Kyatyl shows Mordecai her Ziku-Driver)
Mordecai: Aren't you a Omega Ranger, Kiya?
Kiya Kyatyl: I may be a Omega Ranger, but I can still pull it off.
(Kiya Kyatyl puts on her Ziku-Driver on)
Dark Proto Zi-O Ridewatch: Dark Proto Zi-O!
Kiya Kyatyl: Kamen Rider!
Ziku-Driver: Rider Time! Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O!
(Kiya Kyatyl transform into Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O)
Robo Masked Rider Ridewatch: Robo Masked Rider!
Ziku-Driver: Armor Time! Robo Masked Rider!
(Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O transform into Robo Masked RiderArmor)
Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor: Dark Kingdom Key! (Summoned her Keyblade, Dark Kingdom Key) [roars]
Mordecai: (Grabs Sonata Dusk) Sonata!
Sonata Dusk: [screams]
Heath Burns: [to Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor] Hey! Get your pyschoticness away from my girlfriend!
Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor: And I'll get rid of you! (Kicks Heath Burns)
Heath Burns: [screams, grunts]
Sonata Dusk: Heath!
Goldar Maximus: [roars] Get back here!
Captain Planet: (Summoned his Keyblade, Royal Banana Keyblade) Trouble keeping up?
Goldar Maximus: [grunts, cackles]
(Camera pans left at Rigby beating Snide up)
Rigby: [yelling]
Snide: Get off me!
(Snide threw Rigby)
Mordecai, Sonata Dusk, Randy Cunningham and Howard Weinerman: Rigby!
Nolan North: Hey!
(Nolan then attacked Snide, as he threw him. We cut to Thunderbass and Valhallen counterattack Snide)
Thunderbass: [yelling]
Valhallen: Taste my steel!
Snide: (Blocked their attacks) Pathetic! (Kicks both Thunderbass and Valhallen. Sees Casey Jones) Huh?!
Casey Jones: Goongala!
(Casey hits the exploding hockey pucks at Snide)
Snide: Aargh! You'll pay for that! [roars]
EvanUn0: Oh, really?
(EvanUn0 blocked Snide's attack with his Keyblade, The Way to Dawn)
Casey Jones: Nice save, Evan!
EvanUn0: Thanks.
Blueberry Cake: Snide's not giving up is he? In that case...
Dino Thunder Ridewatch: Dino Thunder!
(Blueberry Cake summoned Tyranno Staff)
Blueberry Cake: Tyranno Staff!
April O'Neil: Nice how you summoned the Tryanno Staff, Blueberry.
Blueberry Cake: Thanks. Just like I summoned the Jungle Bo when we're fighting Red Robo Rider. (Hands Zarya the Samurai Ridewatch) Care to summon a perfectly good Legendary Ranger weapon?
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Whoo!
Samurai Ridewatch: Samurai!
(Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf summoned Hydro Bow)
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: A Hydro Bow? Nice! (Sees Dodo Magia)
Dodo Magia: Assassinate. (Performs a simultaneous red energy slash, as Zarya misses)
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Take this! (Shoots Dodo Magia)
(Dodo Magia stands up and then he heard)
???: You're going down, Magia!
(Then the yellowish grasshopper Rider and the blood lined black Rider kick Dodo Magia in the face, and then Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf turns to reveal the figures known as Aruto Hiden (as Zero-Two) and Rihito Isshiki (as Eden))
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: CEO! Mr. Isshiki! Where are you doing here?
Kamen Rider Eden: We're here to help you.
Zarya Goodfey-Moonwolf: Thanks.
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: [to Dodo Magia] Assassin, you're here again!?
Dodo Magia: Yeah. (Shows them his Raidriser)
(Dodo Magia puts on his Raidriser on)
Dodo Magia: Equip!
Raidriser: Raidrise!
(Dodo Magia transform into Dodo Raider)
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: You're a Raider now?
Dodo Raider: Yep.
(Dodo Raider, Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden are fighting each other)
Raidriser: Zetsumetsu Bolide!
(Dodo Raider slashes Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden)
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: You could still do that?
Dodo Raider: Sure did. I've got something to show you. (Shows them his Adapting Dodo Progrisekey and Forceriser)
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: No way! That Progrisekey is...
(Dodo Raider puts his Forceriser on)
Learning Dodo Progrisekey: Assassin!
Dodo Raider: Henshin.
Forceriser: Forcerise! Learning Dodo! A ferocious avian with room to growing. Break down.
(Dodo Raider transform into Kamen Rider Dodo)
Kamen Rider Dodo: Dodo Shotriser!
(Kamen Rider Dodo shoots Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden)
Kamen Rider Dodo: Dodo Slashriser!
(Kamen Rider Dodo slashes Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden)
Attache Sabers Attache Mode: Attache Sabers!
(Attache Sabers Attache Mode transform into Sabers Mode)
Attache Sabers Attache Mode: Saberrise!
(Kamen Rider Dodo slashes Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden)
Attache Shotgun Attache Mode: Attache Shotgun!
(Attache Shotgun Attache Mode transform into Shotgun Mode)
Attache Shotgun: Shotgun Mode!
(Kamen Rider Dodo shoots Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden)
Assault Dodo Zetsumirsekey: Assault Dodo!
Forceriser: Forcerise! Assault Dodo! No chance of getting beaten!
(Kamen Rider Dodo transform into Assault Dodo)
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: How did you get these Raidriser, Progrisekey, Forceriser, Attache Weapons and the Zetsumirisekey?
Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo: Absolute Tartarus gave it to me as a gift.
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: Oh, yeah? Well, how about this one? Hiden AI Humagear Gun!
Kamen Rider Eden: Eden Shotriser!
(Kamen Rider Zero-Two and Kamen Rider Eden shoots Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo)
Kamen Rider Zero-Two: Time to use my Forceriser.
Forceriser: Forcerise! Kamen Rider Zero-Two! Break down. It's never over.
(Aruto Hiden transform from Zero-Two to ZeroZero-Two)
Kamen Rider Eden: Time to use the Zaia Thousandriver.
Zaia Thousandriver: Perfectrise! Imagine! Ideal! Illusion! Eden the Kamen Rider! The creator who charges forward believing in paradise.
(Kamen Rider Eden transform into Fallen Angel of Paradise)
Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo: You could still use your Forceriser?
Kamen Rider ZeroZero-Two: Yep. Let's do it.
(Kamen Rider ZeroZero-Two, Kamen Rider Eden Fallen Angel of Paradise and Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo are fighting each other)
Zion "Pikachu18": It's time we settle this, Tartarus!
Proto Zi-O Ridewatch: Proto Zi-O!
Cronus Prototype Ridewatch: Cronus Prototype!
Zion "Pikachu18": Kamen Rider!
Ziku-Driver: Rider Time! Kamen Rider Proto Zi-O! Armor Time! Buggle Up! Cronus Prototype!
(Kamen Rider Proto Zi-O transform into Cronus PrototypeArmor)
(Kamen Rider Proto Zi-OCronus PrototypeArmor and Absolute Tartarus are fighting each other)
Troy Burrows: I'm right behind you, Zion! Super Mega Mode!
(Troy morphed into Super Megaforce Red)
Super Megaforce Red: Legendary Ranger Mode: Omega! Omega Fire Power!
(Super Megaforce Red morphed into Red Omega Ranger, as he summoned his Keyblade, Super Mega Keyblade)
Red Omega Ranger (Super Megaforce Red): Super Mega Keyblade!
Absolute Tartarus: Legendary morph all you want but there's no stopping me!
(Kamen Rider Dark Proto Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor then attacked Red Omega Ranger (Super Megaforce Red))
Red Omega Ranger (Super Megaforce Red): You! I should have known you're with Tartarus!
Kamen Rider Proto Dark Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor: That's right.
(Cuts to Blueberry Cake attacking Snide with the Tyranno Staff)
Snide: I see you summoned a Legendary Ranger weapon! But, I still have my sword, axe and shield! (Tries to attack Blueberry, as she misses)
Blueberry Cake: Then what do you think about this? (Summons her Keyblade, Build the One Keyblade)
Snide: Huh?! A Keyblade?!
Blueberry Cake: That's right! You're in for a big surprise!
(Blueberry Cake slashes Snide)
Blueberry Cake: Voltech Ultima!
(Blueberry Cake defeated Snide)
Snide: You'll regret this! [growls]
(Snide disappears)
(Cuts to Captain Planet and Goldar Maximus)
Beast Morphers Red: Transport: Beast-X Keyblade! Okay, guys! On me!
Beast Morphers Rangers: Beast Slash!
(Beast Morphers Rangers slashed Goldar Maximus)
Goldar Maximus: This isn't over!
(Goldar Maximus disappears)
Captain Planet: Thanks, Devon.
Beast Morphers Red: No prob.
(Back to Zion and Super Megaforce Red)
Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo: Master Tartarus, Snide and Goldar Maximus are defeated. They're winning!
Absolute Tartarus: I suggest we should leave.
Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo: Right.
(Absolute Tartarus and Kamen Rider Dodo Assault Dodo disappeared)
Kamen Rider Dark Proto Zi-O Rider RoboArmor: You may have won. But, Tartarus' plan has already started!
(Kamen Rider Dark Proto Zi-O Robo Masked RiderArmor disappeared)
(Kamen Rider Proto Zi-O Cronus PrototypeArmor transform back into Zion)
Zion "Pikachu18": Well, that was a terrible way to end our debut album party.
Drag "MrDragonboy96": Yeah.
Arkayna Goodfey: Then I think we should fix up Golden Rock's mansion for now.
Leonardo: Agreed.
(Smash Bros. emblem comes up with the old Batman theme playing, then next we cut to Golden Rock's mansion already fixed)
Shelly: Wow!
Golden Rock: My mansion is already repaired from the damages.
Mordecai: Yeah, man. Good thing Ben and Betty made you a new security system, just in case we see Absolute Tartarus again.
Steel: Yeah, it looks like the same security system that they made back at Grid Battleforce.Icon-crosswiki
Betty Burke: Yep. And it should be activated... now.
[tablet beeps, sensor whirrs]
Shelly: Wait a second. I don't have one of those security cards.
Golden Rock: Neither do I.
Nate Silva: None of us do!
Sonata Dusk: Ben? Betty?
Ben Burke and Betty Burke: [stammers]
[sensor beeps]
Shelly: (Gets tied up) Ooh! Oh!
Golden Rock and Fun Time Rush: (Gets tied up) [exclaims]
Sunset Shimmer: (Gets tied up) Wah!
Nate Silva: Run!
[sensor beeps]
Nate Silva: (Gets tied up) [grunts]
Ben Burke and Betty Burke: Oh!
[chord whips, all grunt]
Ben Burke and Betty Burke: [groans]
Ben Burke: Sorry, everybody.
Adagio Dazzle: Ben and Betty, I don't really say this. But, good job.
Betty Burke: Thanks.
Everyone: [laughing]
Steel: I gotta admit. That's bananas!
(At Viper Kai Dojo, Shark is ready to go. Right at that moment, Pierre came inside and greets Shark)
Pierre: It's been awhile, Swift Wing.
(Xavier, Favre, Alex Spider, Sniper The Fox, Inkling Alex Spider, Inkura, Niyaka, Pierre's new girlfriend, Zofiria and Aaliyah Rosado came inside to Viper Kai Dojo)
[End of Chapter 1: The FIRST Fashion]
Chapter 2: The NEXT Fashion
(Episode begins with Shark was glad to see Pierre)
Shark: Mr. Pierre? What are you doing here?
Pierre: It's been awhile, Swift Wing. So, how are things?
Shark: Good.
Xavier: Hey kiddo, I wanna― (Gets hurt by Pierre knock him in the stomach) Ow!
Pierre: Shut up, Weirdo Kansai.
Xavier: Sorry.
Shark: Say, Mr. Pierre, do you, Mr. Xavier and Mr. Favre got Blank Watches with you?
(Pierre and Xavier shows Shark a Blank Watches)
Pierre: We sure did, Swift Wing. We do have the Blank Watches with us.
(Cuts to Ai Kizuna)
Ai Kizuna: Wow. Zion, Drag and Blue Woz told me about you guys.
Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, we're the Rainbooms.
Rarity: We'd knew we remembered you backstage at Coloratura's Christmas TV special, Ai, darling.
Ai Kizuna: Oh, stop~ I've got something to show you girls.
Pinkie Pie: What is it?
(Ai Kizuna shows the Rainbooms the Ai Kizuna Progrisekey, Connecting Kizuna Ai Progrisekey, Talking Matsuri Progrisekey and Jumping Hubuki Progrisekey)
Ai Kizuna: It's the Ai Kizuna Progrisekey, Connecting Kizuna Ai Progrisekey, Talking Matsuri Progrisekey and Jumping Hubuki Progrisekey. I'm gonna give the Ai Kizuna Progrisekey, Connecting Kizuna Ai Progrisekey, Talking Matsuri Progrisekey, Jumping Hubuki Progrisekey and Bounding Tomari Progrisekey to Aruto-san, Fuwa-san and Yaiba-san. I even gave Zion the Virtual YouTuber Ridewatches yesterday.
Fluttershy: Yeah, you did. I wonder where he is.
(Cuts to Zion, on a morning coffee run, "Boom Clap" by Charli XCX plays)
(At Golden Rock's mansion)
Zion "Pikachu18": Morning, Shelly.
Shelly: Morning.
(Cuts to Golden Rock)
Golden Rock: Alright. Now I know that your debut album party was pretty good except it ended in a total disaster when Absolute Tartarus showed up.
Drag "MrDragonboy96": Yeah. Good thing we fixed up your place.
Blue Woz: You sure you have house insurance, right?
Golden Rock: Yeah, that too.
Zion "Pikachu18": I mean we did well on Coloratura's Christmas TV special, collaborated with Fun Time Rush and the Rainbooms for the third and final Christmas EP, performed at the New Year's Eve party, and went to Pine Ridge.
Golden Rock: You're right. Here. (Throws a Blank Trinity Ridewatch II to Zion "Pikachu18", as he grabbed it)
Zion "Pikachu18": A Blank Trinity Ridewatch II?
(Suddenly, the Blank Trinity Ridewatch II transformed into the Proto Zi-OTrinity Ridewatch II)
Zion "Pikachu18": A Proto Zi-OTrinity Ridewatch II?! Thanks, Golden Rock.
Golden Rock: Hey, it's the least I can do. You guys are Proto Zi-O Trinity.
Drag "MrDragonboy96": It's what we get paid for.
Fun Time Rush: You got paid?!?
Blue Woz: Shouldn't we tell them about that?
Zion "Pikachu18": It's... it's fine.
(Cuts to The Kingdom)
Kiya: We need to bring someone who is cruel, and not afraid to get their hands dirty. Hmm. [gasped] I've got it! The Princess of Evil, herself – Astronema!
Snide: We're about to bring her?!
Dayne: Now, hold on. Kiya, you should know from Ranger history class that Astronema turned good and she was Karone, the Galaxy Pink Ranger and the RPM Cyan Ranger.
Kiya: What?! To think that I looked up to her! Ugh! What is with these villains becoming little goody two shoes?
Princess Dark Matter: Yeah, I don't want that RPM Ranger on my team.
Void Knight: True. We should let Absolute Tartarus decide on who to bring first.
Kristoff: I'm sorry, you guys got these from who?
Elsa: A little girl who said she was a princess.
Kristoff: Oh. Was Eugene and Rapunzel involved?
(Anna and Elsa exchange glances)
Anna and Elsa: Yeah, pretty much.
Kristoff: What about Sora, Donald and Goofy?
Anna: Yeah, they're involved with Vanellope, too.
Kristoff: [unfazed] Right...
Anna: Oh! That reminds me. Do you think that Vanellope is hanging out with our Northuldran friends?
Elsa: Mm-hmm.
Anna: Do you have a Keyblade with you, Elsa?
(Elsa summoned her Keyblade Let It Go Keyblade)
Elsa: Why yes, Anna, I did have my Keyblade with me.
(Cuts to Crystal Prep Academy)
(Flashback appeared)
Sougo Tokiwa: I want you to hold on to it for safekeeping.
(Sougo Tokiwa gives Shadow Five Blank Watches)
(Flashback ended)
Sour Sweet: Sougo...
Indigo Zap: Sour Sweet, are you alright?
Sour Sweet: I'm fine, Indigo.
Chapter 3: The FINAL Fashion